Doctor Who



Okay, so this not anime, but it is my favorite show. The new season begins on the 23rd of this month. It airs on BBC America, which I no longer have sadly, I have season passed it on a streaming service, so I will still get to watch it. 

 For anyone who does not know, this is a sci-fii series that started 51 years ago on November 23 1963. It follows an alien known as “The Doctor”. His real name has never been revealed to the audience. He travels though time, space, and sometimes dimension in his TARDS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space) which looks like a Police Box, but is as so many have put it “bigger on the inside”. He travels with companions, who are usually, but not always from the modern day (or whatever was when the episode was filmed). Even though The Doctor looks human, he is the last (to his knowledge) of a race known as the Time Lords (Time Ladies if female).


Time Lords came from a planet called Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. Time Lords have two hearts and can regenerate from fatal injuries even death of old age. This regeneration, has been implied to be able to change gender and has been proven skin tone can change. It is also implied that they have some control over their new look. Each Time Lord can tell which one is which, even if they have regenerated since they saw one another last. This regeneration comes from exposure to the untempered Schism over billions of years. Regenerations can be given and taken away from Time Lords.


When the new season starts, The Doctor will have a fresh face, having regenerated at the end of last year’s Christmas Special, The Time of the Doctor. If you are interested, Netflix has Doctor Who and Classic Doctor Who. The modern Who has all except the last two episodes, the 50th anniversary special and the Last Christmas Special, and only has one or two adventures per “Classic” Doctor (1-7) The 8th Doctor had a movie, which last I checked was not on Netflix. 

I claim no ownership to the above pictures. Show created by Sydney Newman (1917-1997)

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